External links - Jquery

What is Twitter ,how to use it and what for ?

External links - Jquery Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?While Twitter may have started as a micro-blogging service, it is grown into much more than simply a tool to type in quick status updates. I often describe Twitter as a cross between blogging and instant messaging, but even that doesn't do it justice.


Hide Blogger Navbar in New Blogger Blogspot !

External links - Jquery Want to get rid of the blogger toolbar in new blogger that just came out of beta ? If you have shifted your blogspot blog from old blogger to the new blogger beta, you may have noticed that the previous CSS code to remove the blogger navbar will no longer be effective. That's because Google now uses different CSS tags to display the blogger bar. [#navbar-iframe instead of #b-navbar] If you want to hide the navbar in your blogger blog, here's what you should do ! (these instructions refer to the "new" Blogger layouts templates) GO GET IT GUMGUM:)

Super Sexy Bookmarks Widget for Blogger !

Thumbnail image that says sleek button using photoshop that links to a Photoshop tutoril. Looking for professional Social Bookmark Buttons for your blog ! me too :) however, while i was searching the net too, I came across a post by Naeemnur, that had instructions for Blogger (BlogSpot.com) based blogs which was really good.If you have a blog on blogger you can definitely give this a try.

Its very attractive social bookmarking widget ! it can help you to let your visitors bookmark your page effectively .

for instructions about the use of this SEXY Social bookmarking widget ! you can go here and get it GUMGUM:)


Lorem ipsum dolor

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


1. Pendekatan Klasik (classical approach)
2. Pendekatan terstruktur (Structured Approach)
3. Dari Bawah Ke Atas (Bottom-up Approach)
4. Pendekatan Dari Atas Ke Bawah (Top-down Approach)
Pendekatan Dari Atas Ke Bawah (Top-down Approach) dimulai dari level atas organisasi, yaitu level perencanaan strategi. Pendekatan ini dimulai dengan mendefinisikan sasaran dan kebijaksanaan organisasi. Langkah selanjutnya dari pendekatan ini adalah dilakukannya analisis kebutuhan informasi. Setelah kebutuhan informasi ditentukan, maka proses turun ke pemrosesan transaksi, yaitu penentuan output, input, basis data, prosedurprosedur operasi dan kontrol. Pendekatan ini juga merupakan ciri-ciri pendekatan terstruktur. Pendekatan atas-bawah bila digunakan pada tahap analis sistem disebut juga dengan istilah decision analysis, karena yang menjadi tekanan adalah informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengambilan keputusan oleh anajemen terlebih dahulu, kemudian data yang perlu diolah didefinisikan menyusul mengikuti informasi yang dibutuhkan.
5. Pendekatan Sepotong (piecemeal approach)
Pengembangan yang menekankan pada suatu kegiatan/aplikasi tertentu tanpa memperhatikan posisinya di sistem informasi atau tidak memperhatikan sasaran organisasi secara global (memperhatikan sasaran dari kegiatan atau aplikasi itu saja).

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